Search results for set up email
285 articles found
What Is a Form?
WebStarts allows you to add Contact Forms to your web pages that are used to gather your site visitors information and convert them into leads. They allow you to capture and then store information
Getting Started With Your WebStarts Website
Once you’ve signed up for a Account, you’re ready to begin editing your website. After logging into your account, the first page you see is called the Dashboard. You can begin editing
Adding Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter a code that is texted to you or sent to an authenticator app on your phone. To add two-factor authentication to
Configuring An Existing Domain Name To Work With Your WebStarts Website
If you have chosen to add a domain name to your site that you have previously registered elsewhere , you will need to point your Name Servers to ours or edit your domain name A record to ours before
Using Your Account Dashboard
Your account dashboard is the first page you see when you login to your WebStarts account. It’s a central location where you can manage your account and website settings. From here, you can select
Creating Discount Coupon Codes in Your WebStarts Store
Provide your customers with Coupon and Discount codes to be used for the products and services found in your WebStarts Store. Check out the video and steps below to see how you can create a discount
Renewing My Domain Name
Any domain name that you have registered through WebStarts will be automatically renewed 30 days prior to it's expiration using the Credit Card on file in the associated account. Should the renewal
Contacting WebStarts Support
Contact WebStarts by email at Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 10:00am to 6:00pm EST.
Adding A Music Or Voice Recording To Your Website With SoundCloud
Have you ever wanted to put samples of your music on your website? How about a whole song? In this article I’m going to walk you through you can use a new service called SoundCloud to do just that.
Adding PayPal Buy Now Buttons To Your Website
PayPal can be used in a number of different ways with your WebStarts website. Whether you choose to configure your WebStarts Store with your PayPal account, or simply add a PayPal button directly on
Adding A Form To Your Website
Collecting information on your website is one of the most important things your website will do. The best way to collect information through your website is by using a Contact Form. Follow these
Managing Your Product Categories In The Store
You can easily create and manage product categories within your Store. You can even create sub-categories to further organize the way your products are displayed. Check out the steps below to see
Getting Your Menu Back If You Removed It From A Page
You can easily get your menu back if you’ve removed it from a page by following these steps. Click the Add tab in the left sidebar. Choose the Menu icon from the sidebar. Can't find what you're
Closing My WebStarts Account
If for any reason you would like to close your account or cancel a subscription, send our support team an email at Just be sure to let us know what site it is you are looking
What Are Web Statistics?
Web Statistics is a way of monitoring and tracking the behavior of people who visit your website. Check out this video to see how you can use Web Statistics to target your site to your audience.
Changing The Name Of A Web Page
To change the name of a page click on the pages icon on the left side panel and the click the name of the page. The field will become editable and you can enter the new page name. Can't find what
Adding An Existing Domain Name To Your Website
To add an existing domain name that you have previously registered through another domain registrar, take a look at the steps below... Click the Domains page located within the dropdown at the
Deleting A Domain Name
To delete a domain from your account follow these steps. Step 1. Click the dropdown at the top righthand corner of your account, then click Domains. Step 2. Select the domain you wish to delete, then
Deleting An Element From Your Website
To delete an element from your web page, follow the steps below... Choose to edit the page you would like to delete the element from. Click on the element you would like to delete while in the page
How To Add A Cookie Consent Banner To Your Site
To add a cookie consent banner to your site, follow these steps. Step 1. Login to your WebStarts account and toggle to the dashboard for the website in question. Step 2. Hover your mouse over the
Obtaining The URL For Your Blog's RSS Feed
You can now obtain your blog's RSS feed URL by simply adding /feeds to the end of your blog page's URL, so for example if your domain name was, your RSS feed URL would be
Editing Your Guestbook Comments
In order to edit any existing guestbook comments, use the following steps. Log into your WebStarts account and click to Edit your website Navigate to the page that has the guestbook on it. Click to
Changing The Order In Which Your Pages Appear on Your Navigation Menu
To change the order pages are displayed on your menu follow these steps. Step 1: From the editor view click the Pages icon on the left panel. Step 2: Click the handle next to a page to drag your
Changing The Style And Color Of Your Navigation Menu
To change the style and color of your navigation menu follow these steps. Step 1: Click on the navigation menu while in the page editor view. Step 2: Click on the Edit Style icon attached to the menu
How To Edit An Appointment Service
To edit appointment service parameters such as the service name, duration, and availability, follow these steps. Step 1. Select the Appointments app located on the website's dashboard. Step 2. Select
How To Insert Premade Design Sections
To insert premade design sections, follow the steps below. Step 1. From the WebStarts editor click + Add, followed by Designs. Step 2. Design sections are organized by type (Welcome, About, Contact,
Duplicating Elements On Your Web Page
One of the fastest and easiest ways to create a layout in WebStarts is to duplicate elements of an existing design. You can do this by following these steps. From within the editor, click to select
Placing A Map On Your Website Using Google Maps
Use the steps below to add a Google Map to your website... From within the WebStarts editor, click the Add tab located in the left sidebar, followed by Map Select the map and click Settings, then
Protecting Your Page Content From Being Stolen
You can prevent your site visitors from downloading images and other content from your page ad protect your page content from being stolen by using the disable right click feature in WebStarts. To
Running A Sales Report
The WebStarts Store allows you to monitor and run reports for all of the sales made from your website. Take a look at the following steps to run a sales report with your WebStarts Store... From your
How To Apply Strip Splitters For Separating Sections
To apply strip splitters, follow these steps. Step 1. From the WebStarts editor, click + Add > Strip to insert a new strip or select a strip if modifying an existing strip. Step 2. Within the toolbar
Deleting A Page From Your Website
Check out the steps below to see how you can quickly and easily delete a page from your website... Login to your account dashboard and select the website you would like to delete the page from. Click
Leaving Comments On A Blog
To learn how your site visitors can leave a comment on your blog, take a look at the steps below... Open your live website in a browser and navigate to your Blog page. Click to open the post you wish
Creating a Link to Another Web Page From an Image
You can create hyperlinks to other web pages using images. To create a link from an image to another web page, use the following steps. From within the WebStarts editor, click to select the image you
Changing Your Account Password.
To change your account password in WebStarts, follow these steps: Step 1: First, log in to your account. Once you're at your Account Dashboard, click on the Profile Avatar in the top
Changing Menu Tab/Page Names
To change the page names that appear on your website navigation menu follow these instructions. Step 1: From the editor view click the Pages icon from the left side panel. Step 2: Click directly on
Adding Products to Your Website Using The WebStarts Store
The WebStarts Store allows you to add and manage and then sell unlimited products from your WebStarts website. Check out the video and steps below to see how to add products to your Store... From
Connecting your domain name to a different website
To connect your domain to a different website on your account, follow these steps. Step 1. Click the dropdown at the top righthand corner of your account, then click Domains. Step 2. Select the
Launching An Image In A Lightbox
You can help your site visitors get a better look at an image by clicking on it and expanding to a full size version in a lightbox. To launch an image in a lightbox follow these steps. From the
How To Save A Group Of Elements As A Design
To save a group of elements as a design section, follow the steps below. Step 1. Elements like text, buttons, images, etc, can be attached to background elements like shapes (boxes) or strips by
How To Add Images And Gradients To Shapes
To add images, gradients and other effects to shapes, follow these steps. Step 1. From the WebStarts editor, click + Add > Shapes, then select or drag a shape to insert. Step 2. Within the toolbar
How To Assign A Subscription To Another Website
You can now associate a subscription with a different website on your account should you ever need to do so. Take a look at the instructions below to see how... Login to your account and click the
How To Add A Background Pattern To A Strip
To add a background pattern to a strip, follow these steps. Step 1. From the WebStarts editor, click + Add > Strip to insert a new strip or select a strip if modifying an existing strip. Step 2.
Adding A Search Option To Your Store
A Search Function makes it easier than ever for your customers to find the product they're looking for. To add a search function to your WebStarts Store, check out the steps below... Select the Store
Finding Your Website On a Search Engine
If you are having trouble finding your website on a search engine, chances are your site has not yet been crawled. When you first create a website it typically takes up to 6 weeks for major search
Clearing Browser Cache/Temporary Internet Files In Firefox
Below are the steps required to clear the browser cache on a PC and Mac using Firefox… Step 1: Click the hamburger button located in the upper right corner of the browser window, followed by Options.
Editing a Web Page On Your Website
Accessing the WebStarts Editor: To edit a page, first, log in to your Account Dashboard. From your dashboard, select the site you would like to edit, then click the Edit Site button below your
How To Customize Shapes
To customize shapes, follow these steps. Step 1. From the WebStarts editor, click + Add > Shapes, then select or drag a Triangle, Star, or Blob shape. Step 2. Within the toolbar attached to the shape
How To Create AI Images
The WebStarts editor has a built-in AI image generator that you can use to create images for your site using text prompts. To generate and insert AI images, follow the steps below. Step 1. From the
Changing Your Free Website Address
While adding your own custom domain name to your site is preferred, you may want to just change the free subdomain for your website address. Take a look at the quick video and steps below to see