Adding PayPal Buy Now Buttons To Your Website

PayPal can be used in a number of different ways with your WebStarts website. Whether you choose to configure your WebStarts Store with your PayPal account, or simply add a PayPal button directly on to your site, there are lots of ways to leverage the power of PayPal for taking payments through your website. Take a look at the video and steps below to see how you can create a PayPal Buy Now button and add that to your website...

Creating your PayPal Buy Now button

The first thing you will need to do is create your Buy Now button in your PayPal account. If you don't already have one, you'll need to create a PayPal account.

  1. Go to and login to your PayPal account.
  2. Click the Tools tab, followed by All Tools.
  3. Locate the PayPal buttons panel and then click the Open button.
  4. Decide which type of button you would like to create and click the corresponding panel to begin. For this example, we will be creating a Buy Now button.
  5. Step 1: Choose a button type and enter your payment details
    1. Enter the Item name, Price, and Item ID if applicable.
    2. Customize the button as desired to include product options and appearance.
    3. Provide Shipping and Tax rate information.
    4. Choose whether you wish to use your PayPal Merchant ID or the standard PayPal connect using your PayPal email address. Choosing your PayPal email address will be the most common choice here.
  6. Steps 2 and 3 are largely optional. Complete these steps as required for the specific needs of the item(s) you are selling.
  7. Once happy with your button, click Create Button
  8. Make sure the preview of your button is what you're after and then copy the code provided to your clipboard to be used in the steps below...

Adding your Buy Now button to your website

Once you have the code for your button, you'll need to embed it in to your website as shown below...
  1. Go to and login to your WebStarts account.
  2. Click to Edit your website and then navigate to the page you wish to add the button to using the drop down menu in the upper left corner of the WebStarts editor.
  3. To embed the code, click + Add followed by Embed Code.
  4. Paste the HTML code for the button in to the Paste Code window and then click the Insert button to drop the button on the page. 
  5. Click to select and then drag the button where you would like it on your page. 
  6. Save the changes made and view your live site to test the functionality of your new Buy Now button on your website.

That's all there is to adding a PayPal button to your website. For more help as it relates to working with PayPal on your website, Click Here.

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