Adding The Membership Feature To Your Website
Allowing visitors to sign up and log into your WebStarts website is quick and easy. Use the following steps to get started:
Step 1: Log into your WebStarts account and click the “Edit Site” button.
Step 2: Navigate to a page that should be restricted to “Members Only” and click “Add”, then “Membership”.
Note: you can also begin activation of the Membership feature by clicking the Site Members dashboard panel, then click the Activate button.
Step 3: Choose “Yes” so that the page will be accessible to members only. If you want the page to have a login and sign up link and be viewable by everyone you’d select “No”. This is good if you’re creating a page where the goal is to get people to sign up or login to their account.
Step 4: Choose a page for members to see as soon as they log into their account.
Step 5: Choose whether you want to automatically or manually approve new members.
Step 6: Choose whether to add a Member Log-in (Sign-up) widget to the page. This widget is typically dragged into the header to ensure anyone can sign up and login from any page.
Step 7: Go through the Members wizard again from every page that you want password protection to appear. For example: If you want to edit the permissions of a specific page you’d have to toggle to that page, then click on Add > Membership and make the desired changes in each step of the wizard.
Note: You can manage your current members by logging into your account dashboard and clicking the Site Members panel.