Pasting Text Onto Your Website From a Document or Website

The steps below are the most effective way to paste text from external documents into your WebStarts website…

  1. Open the document or web page you are copying the text from.
  2. Also log into and open your WebStarts editor to the page you are pasting to.
  3. In the document, highlight the text you wish to copy and then type Ctrl-C or right-click-copy to copy the contents to your clipboard.
  4. Once you have copied the content, create a new text box as shown here: Adding Text To A Web Page
  5. Double click to edit the new text box, place your cursor where you would like to paste your previously copied text and then use either Ctril-V or right-click-paste to paste the text.

That’s all there is to it. Be sure to reposition and resize the text box as needed and save your changes and you should be set.

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