Viewing Historical Tracking Data

Because WebStarts Analytics focuses primarily on real time data, all reports you run within your account will show you Today by default. Check out the steps below to see how you can also view the historical tracking data related to your site...

  1. Click on the report link you wish to review data for, such as: Visitors, Content, Searches, etc...
  2. Using the Date Range drop down in the upper right corner, select the date range you wish to review data from.
  3. When viewing a range of data, the trend percentage represents the trend vs a similar previous period. 
    1. Example: If you choose the Last 14 days option, the trend will be measured against the 14 days prior to that.

As you browse around the other reports available, the date range you have selected will continue to apply to those other reports. Do note that the larger range of data you view, the longer reports will take to load. We recommend changing back to "today" as soon as you are done with historical analysis, so other reports will load quickly.